Coffee. I know "Give up coffee" is on many resolution lists today. I know because January is a horrible month for my daughter financially. You see, she is a barista. This means she works at a rather well-known coffee shop, and during the month of January their sale of coffee drops to perilous lows. Therefore, the working hours of the baristas are cut. However, if they all can stay with their jobs until February, their working hours will come back. By February, 88 percent of people's resolutions are broken; thus, those who gave up coffee are back to buying cups of caffeinated energy in massive amounts.
I checked for resolutions on the Internet to see if making them is an international affair. Mostly it is a Western activity -- definitely not a third world issue. Who in a third world is making resolutions such as "I will eat less; I will stop accumulating"? But, I digress. This may be a topic for another day. I do live in a country that makes resolutions because we do need to eat less and buy less.
I am not resolving anything this year. Did I mention 88 percent of resolutions are broken within the month? On this seventh day of Christmas, however, I have noticed I have been given 7 of something, and it is not seven swans a-swimming. I have been given seven days in the week, and I'm going to use one of them to rest. The other six I am going to "practice" something that might have been a resolution if I had been so inclined to make a list of resolutions.
If you want to make a list, check out the site that goes with this image above. The Scientific American article includes some great thoughts about making your resolutions specific, attainable, etc. I may even incorporate some of their ideas in my "practices"; mostly, each day will be like a day of practicing for learning any sport or any instrument or anything I have ever wanted to learn.
If I mess up a "resolution," I tell myself what a failure I am -- I am part of the 88 percent of resolution failures. If I have a bad day at "practice," tomorrow will probably be a little bit better because I will have learned something that I can use to make the next practice inch closer to my goal of improvement.
I'll let you know how this all goes. :D